Chemicals & Materials Solutions and applications
Simplify Your Quality Control With Analytik Jena’s High-Performance Instruments
Analytik Jena’s high-performance instruments will provide you with a deeper understanding of the chemical composition and characteristics of building materials, advanced materials, and chemical products, both in research and quality control. Our highly effective analysis instruments not only simplify your daily routine work, but also improve your products over the long term thanks to higher precision in your measurement data.
Downloads Applications and expertise for the analysis of advanced materials and chemical products
Determination of Precious Metals and Other Trace Elements in Copper and Copper Ore
Open PDFAnalysis of Lithium Carbonate for Lithium-Ion Battery Applications using HR ICP-OES
Open PDFDetermination of PFAS in Soil and Sewage Sludge as a Sum Parameter EOF (Extractable Organically Bound Fluorine) (EN)
Open PDFDetermination of Trace Elements in Toys
Open PDFAnalysis of TOC/TN in Product Quality Monitoring of Hydrogen Peroxide
Open PDFTOC Determination in Phosphoric Acid by UV Digestion
Open PDFTOC Determination in Electroplating Bath Solutions by UV Digestion
Open PDFDetermination of Total Sulfur and Total Nitrogen in Synthetic Caoutchouc by High-temperature Combustion Coupled with Ultraviolet Fluorescence Detection and Chemiluminiscence Detection
Open PDFReliable Analysis of Building Materials
Because of its versatility, easy processing, and extraordinary stability, cement has become one of the most popular building materials. It is the main ingredient in concrete, used for building infrastructure. To meet quality requirements, critical parameters must be analysed throughout the manufacturing process. With our analysis solutions, we will help you ensure product quality and assess intermediate products.
Customer voice from the UK About using the multi EA 4000 for the analysis of building materials
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