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Our Customers In good hands with Analytik Jena

Time for service

The requirements, needs, and wishes of our customers serve us as a compass for our business activities. Whether in the further development of the product portfolio, questions of strategic orientation, or regarding service and support, the satisfaction of our customers is our highest priority. We provide our customers with our user knowledge wherever they need it. And we learn from them as well. A win-win situation!

Customer Success Stories


Dr. Björn Meermann (BAM): Research in the field of PFAS with contrAA 800

In this video, Dr. Björn Meermann, Head of the Department of Inorganic Trace Analysis at the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, provides exciting insights into his work in the field of per- and polyfluorinated alkyl compounds (PFAS) analysis, which has been awarded the Bunsen-Kirchhoff Prize. You will also find out what central role Analytik Jena's established atomic absorption spectrometer, the contrAA 800, plays in his investigations and what advantages the device offers for multi-element analysis.

Clinicial Diagnostics with Analytik Jena's PlasmaQuant MS at GANZIMMUN

The demand for reliable, accurate clinical diagnostics continues to rise. Working with a customer like GANZIMMUN Diagnostics GmbH makes us proud and helps us understand the needs of this special industry. This way, we all can stay ahead. See how our cutting-edge ICP-MS technologies and their expertise and dedication are helping to provide better, more accurate results.

Major cost savings for Blumenfield Science

"We chose PlasmaQuant MS because it offers high sensitivity for the identification of metals from a broad spectrum of liquid and solid samples with diverse and complex matrices. An additional factor is the short analysis time. Argon consumption is low compared with other ICP-MS devices, which has led to substantial costs savings for us."

ICP-MS for research purposes at the University of Münster

The Analytical Chemistry working group at the University of Münster works on the development and application of new analytical methods to identify substances of pharmaceutical and biomedical significance. Coupling techniques using various components are employed in this area, with ICP-MS technology playing a major role.