Become a member of a team of experts, spanning the entire globe!
At Analytik Jena, we develop, manufacture, and distribute high-precision instruments and solutions for chemical analysis and life science applications. These are employed in both research and industry, whether to secure food quality or to recognize hazards to health and the environment.
As part of the Swiss Endress+Hauser Group, we are able to connect the traditions of our home base in Germany with the possibilities of a globally active company. Our work together is open, friendly, and creative. Pursuing our core values of Commitment, Excellence, Sustainability, and Friendliness, we will place our trust in you from day one to work with us towards achieving our goals.
We would like to meet you! Are you interested? Our Jobportal together with Endress+Hauser offers many exciting opportunities. We look forward to getting to know you.
"Passionate, responsible, highly technically qualified. On behalf of Analytik Jena, our employees around the world work together towards a single mission: developing reliable technologies and methods that enable our customers to see more, understand more, and contribute to improving environmental and living conditions over the long term. We maintain an environment that provides dedicated employees with plenty of creative leeway. Developed over many years, our extraordinary corporate culture brings us and our customers together."
Grit Petzholdt-Gühne, Vice President Human Resources
Our values
In true partnership
We support one another in constructive and trusting cooperation.
Being amongst the best
We continuously advance the quality of our products, solutions, and working methods.
Focused on our goals
We design our everyday work to be reliable, transparent, and focused on solutions.
With strategic vision
Our actions and use of resources are developed with regard to their long-term impact.
What we offer you
At Analytik Jena, participation always consists of two sides: the technical side and the human side. Employees feel most comfortable in an environment where they can tackle challenging issues as part of a real community.
The technical side
- State-of-the-art analytical measurement technology and complete systems for bioanalytical applications with one of the widest product ranges on the market
- Close cooperation with experts from various technical, natural and economic disciplines
- Participating in product development from the fist idea until serial production
- Supporting product launches nationally and internationally
- Individual consulting of our valued customers in industry and science
- International sites, for instance in China, USA, and France
The human side
- professional development with external training courses, individual performance reviews, new responsibilities, and leadership programs, and more
- flexible conditions to help balance career and private life
- team spirit and a good working environment are part of our identity - the collective "we" is always bigger than the individual "I"
- we embrace a value-oriented management culture and place our trust in our employees, giving them responsibility and providing creative leeway
- we offer a range of opportunities to gather experience abroad and make a contribution
At Analytik Jena, we are committed to diversity.
We have been signatories of the Diversity Charter since 2022 – joining around 4,500 other companies and institutions in Germany. This is part of our public commitment to creating an appreciative and unprejudiced working environment in every respect.
Our Benefits
honored with the "Jenaer Familiensiegel" as family friendly company
trust-based working hours
company pension scheme
individual further education at Analytik jena academy
personal onboarding process
childcare subsidy and room for childcare
job bike
employee coupons
*Benefits can vary, depending on the location.
Prospects in the Endress+Hauser Group
Endress+Hauser is a global leader in measurement instrumentation, services and solutions for industrial process engineering. Even with over 13,000 people around the world, the Group has remained a family-run enterprise to this day, building on strong values and clear principles. This has allowed a unique corporate culture to develop over the years. We are proud to now be a part of the Endress+Hauser family.
Investment in modern working environment
Together with its parent company Endress+Hauser, Analytik Jena is investing around 75 million euros in the construction of new company buildings at the Jena and Ilmenau sites. This will create the basis for sustainable growth and modern workplaces for our employees in production, logistics, development, laboratory and administration.
We would like to meet you! Are you interested? Our Jobportal together with Endress+Hauser offers many exciting opportunities. We look forward to getting to know you.
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