Analysis of Produce & Grains

  • Multi-parameter instrumentation for a wide range of applications
  • Diverse and versatile sample preparation techniques
  • Detection of even trace levels of harmful components

Profit from our easily adaptable and extendable methods. Gain quick and reliable results for a broad variety of samples to ensure the quality and food safety the consumer is looking for.

Best analytical performance

  • Low limits of detection to ensure food safety
  • High-throughput capabilities
  • Flexible automation possibilities
  • Adaptable instrument configurations for maximizing instrument utilization

Convenient access to many parameters

  • Direct application support
  • Customized method development
  • Customized maintenance contracts
  • Vast application database

Analyze with us

  • Toxic metals, micro and macro elements (e.g., Ca, K, Na, P)
  • Element speciation analysis (e.g., As, Hg)
  • GMO testing and allergen detection
    Nucleic acid extraction kits, thermocycler, real-time thermocycler
  • Detection of microbes and pathogens
    Nucleic acid extraction kits, thermal cycler, real-time PCR thermal cycler, detection assays (PCR and real-time PCR)
  • Food pigments, chlorophyll, carotenoids, proteins, sugars, fats, and vitamins
  • Analytical sample preparation
    Digestion, extraction, lysis

Analytik Jena offers highly sensitive and multi-parameter analysis of seed, grain, rice, flour, bread and other processed grain products, vegetables, fruits, herbs, spices, legumes, and cannabis . With our wide application range we ensure you with reliable results for food safety and quality determination.


Total Nitrogen Determination in Sugar and Starch by Catalyst-Free High-Temperature Combustion (EN)

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Analysis of Food and Agricultural Samples Using PlasmaQuant MS (EN)

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Speciation of Arsenic in Rice by LC-ICP-MS on PlasmaQuant MS Elite (EN)

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Quantitative Analysis of Cannabis and Hemp with HR ICP-OES (EN)

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Automated Extraction of DNA from Various Food Samples

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Smart Extraction Nucleic Acid Extraction from Multiple Sample Types

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Food Authenticity Testing by Strontium Isotope Ratio Determination in Wine and Cereals Using ICP-MS (EN)

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Lead Isotope Ratios in Cigars as an Indicator of Authenticity Using ICP-MS (EN)

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Grain testing for most important foods

In nutrition, agricultural products from grains to vegetables play a prominent role in the daily intake of nutrients, fiber and other elements that provide necessary energy and are essential for healthy functioning organs – but they may also contain harmful substances. Both as food for humans and as animal feed, agricultural products are therefore subject to the highest vegetable/grain testing requirements.

Benefit instead of harm through vegetable and grain testing

Therefore, it is important to ensure by means of reliable and continuous grain testing that grains and vegetables contain sufficient desired nutrients, including:

  • Organically bound elements including hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen
  • Macroelements/quantity elements including calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur and chlorine
  • Microelements/trace elements including chromium, cobalt, iron, iodine, copper, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, silicon and zinc

At the same time, grain testing is intended to prevent limit-values from being exceeded and products reaching the consumer that contain too many contaminants. Acute as well as chronic toxic effects to human beings are caused, for example, by:

  • Cadmium, which is mutagenic, toxic to reproduction, carcinogenic and affects bone density
  • Lead, especially with its particularly neurotoxic effect
  • Thallium, which – especially acute – is even more toxic and, through its dispersion after thermal processes, also gets into soil and from there into food
  • Arsenic in its various toxic forms.

Since these and other toxins can accumulate in the human body, it is extremely important to detect their traces in agriculturally grown foods as well – and thus an important task of vegetable and grain testing.

Example rice – great importance, great potential danger

Rice stands out as a good example of the differentiated requirements for grain testing. On one hand, its consumption is increasing significant in parallel with the growth of the world population – it is the main source of food for around three billion people. On the other, it is one of the main sources of arsenic, containing up to ten times as much as wheat or barley according to studies – more than any other food. The use of rice straw as cattle feed further increases the risk of exposure. The total concentration is not the only factor, as the chemical forms of arsenic vary considerably in their toxicity. Rice typically contains a high proportion of the particularly toxic inorganic forms of arsenic. Thus, in grain testing arsenic speciation is of great importance.

GMO Analysis: Genetic Grain Testing for Consumer Safety

In addition, there is the issue of GMO analysis (genetically modified organisms analysis). Against the background of legal regulation and increasing consumer demands, it is very important to detect – or exclude – corresponding modifications.

Grain and produce testing with professional technology by Analytik Jena

From farmer cooperatives to the processing industry, for mills, washing and drying equipment, as well as for traders and government inspectors: As with every kind of food, it is also important in vegetable and grain testing that internal testing or external contract laboratories process and analyze high sample volumes with reliably consistent results. To best achieve your tasks in vegetable and grain testing rely on Analytik Jena’s proven portfolio. The combination of analytical sample-preparation technologies, multi-parameter analysis instruments and flexible automation options enables you to perform sensitive and accurate grain testing with reliable results at all times. All of this while you keep your grain testing processes cost-efficient – with the ability to scale them up as needed with minimal effort.


Analysis of Edible Oils

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Analysis of Dairy

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Analysis of Beverages

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Analysis of Meat and Seafood

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General Food Analysis

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