Minerva Biolabs relies on the InnuPure C16 automated extraction system
Tue 4 Oct, 2016
- Preparing samples for PCR analytics, with a wide range of sample matrices
- InnuPure C16 extraction system, combined with a wide variety of extraction kits
- Isolates DNA or RNA from up to 16 samples at the same time
- Isolates high-quality nucleic acids
- Suitable for a wide range of starting materials
- Adjustable elution volumes from 20 to 500 μl
- High throughput due to external placement
- Maintenance-free
Robust Even for Complex Samples
The Berlin-based biotech company Minerva BiolabsGmbH relies on extraction systems from Analytik Jena
Sensitive PCR is used to find out whether or not a sample is microbially contaminated, and its success and performance depend on the quality of the isolated nucleic acids. Minerva Biolabs GmbH provides customers with kits for contamination diagnostics that handle cell cultures, both in research and industry. The Berlin-based company builds on Analytik Jena technology to produce and validate the kits, including the InnuPure® C16 extraction system and GeneTheatre for automatic sample handling. “The better the samples are prepared, the better the results of the PCR analytics will be, and that goes for all our customers”, explained Dr. Dirk Vollenbroich, CEO of Minerva Biolabs, who created his company as a spin-off of the Robert Koch Institute in 1999. His company uses the InnuPure C16 system to create and test preparation kits for his customers, which applies a number of automated processes that almost entirely prevent cross-contamination. Fully pre-filled reagent strips and plates can be used without being opened first, as they are pierced automatically. “It only takes a few simple steps to prepare the device for the extraction process. This is greatly appreciated by our customers in research and industry, who work with cell cultures on a daily basis” added Dr. Vollenbroich. The system allows users to purify up to 16 samples in parallel, with adjustable elution volumes from 20 to 500 μl. The eluates are transferred automatically into elution tubes with caps.
Management Facts
Efficient analysis of individual samples, no waste of extraction chemicals
Pre-installed protocols and great operating comfort
Robust, even in continuous operation
Certified according to DIN EN ISO 13485 and 17025
Little bench space required
“We particularly appreciate that we can even extract individual samples according to our needs. In contrast to other systems, we do not need to wait for the device to be fully stacked in order to save on extraction chemicals. The InnuPure C16 system thus operates quite efficiently”, said Dr. Vollenbroich. “AnalytikJena took our special requests very seriously. Small adjustments concerning the extraction procedure have led to major improvements in the results.”Minerva’s special requests refer to the particularly wide range of samples, including very complex proteinogenic ones. “We have been using the InnuPureC16 for a great variety of samples, and we can confirm consistently high isolation rates of DNA. The device has proven to be robust, even in continuous operation. Since we put it in practice, we have hardly ever used manual methods”, said the Minerva CEO, who also appreciates the compact and elaborate design of the instrument, using just a minimal amount of space on the lab bench. “What also matters to us is the certification of the system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 13485 and 17025.” Dr. Vollenbroich’s company has repeatedly opted for Analytik Jena’s products: “Next to the performance of the devices, we also value Analytik Jena’s batchto-batch variation tolerance, as well as its rapid shipping, and the reasonable pricing policy.”
Minerva Biolabs GmbH is a leading biotechnology company for the development and marketing of detection & eliminationkits for the control of microbial contamination. The company is based in Berlin. Its core competence lies in the control of mycoplasma, bacteria and viruses in cell cultures and biopharmaceuticals. In addition they employ their specialized kits and reagents as PCR diagnostics of respiratory tract infections and for the detection of legionella in water. Minerva Biolabs regards its function to be a highly competent expert in these specialized areas of contamination control, clinical diagnostics, and water diagnostics.Their products are readily and economically available worldwide through a global distribution network.
About Minerva Biolabs GmbH
Minerva Biolabs GmbH is a leading biotechnology company for the development and marketing of detection & elimination kits for the control of microbial contamination. The company is basd in Berlin. Its core competence lies in the control of mycoplasma, bacteria and viruses in cell cultures and biopharmaceuticals. In addition they employ their specialized kits and reagents as PCR diagnostics of respiratory tract infections and for the detection og legionella in water. Minerva Biolabs regards its function to be a highly competent expert in there specialized areas of contamination control, clinical diagnostics and water diagnostics. Their products are readily and economically available worldwide through a global distribution network.
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