Discover TOCnology: Launch of the multi N/C x300 series for TOC/TNb analysis

Content and goals of the Web Seminar

Duration: ~45 min
Language: English
Simone Moos, Product Manager, Analytik Jena
Bernd Bletzinger, Product Manager, Analytik Jena

Do you often find yourself lacking time for the truly important things in your workday? With the multi N/C x300 series, we have developed TOC/TNb analyzers that give you precisely that much needed time – time for your analysis results, your students, your customers, and your team. And all the while, you work profitably and deliver results fit for any interlaboratory study.How do the multi N/C x300 analyzers achieve this? Through TOCnology – unique hardware solutions and software algorithms, clever automation features, and smart user-friendly design – including a new intuitive software.

Here are some examples of how this benefits you:

  • calibrate only once a year and still get excellent recovery for your quality control standard,
  • no need for time-consuming sample dilution of liquid samples,
  • no carry-over for particle-rich samples,
  • TOC ultra trace analysis without persulfate but with a proven software validation,
  • and carefree overnight operation during which your samples are measured only under optimal conditions.

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