Winner Analytik Jena Science Award 2021 Winner in the Category of “Best Scientific Paper in the Field of Molecular Biology”

Analytik Jena Science Award 2021

Everything was different in 2021. Given the current situation, it isn’t possible to hold the award ceremony as a live event as it usually would have been the case.  We would like to thank the numerous candidates who submitted their exciting projects for the Analytik Jena Science Award.

Analytik Jena congratulates the winner.

Winner in the Category of “Best Scientific Paper in the Field of Molecular Biology”

Richard Pabst, M.Sc., IdentMe GmbH

Moderner Artenschutz mittels eDNA-Analysen (“Modern Species Conservation Using eDNA Analysis”)

Justification: "The detection of rare and endangered species is often associated with high effort and time-consuming and invasive measures, such as trapping and capturing individual animals. A completely new approach to detection is offered by the detection of DNA fragments in environmental samples. DNA obtained from environmental samples (eDNA) is analyzed for specific gene fragments using qPCR. The detection of these specific gene fragments then allows conclusions to be drawn about the presence of the corresponding species.

In the present paper, the IdentMe team(ii)  has impressively demonstrated the potential of screening environmental samples for eDNA (enviromental DNA, DNA extracted from environmental samples). Using qPCR, it becomes possible to quickly and non-invasively detect species in biotopes using specific qPCR. The detection of specific gene fragments by qPCR is already a standard technique in many fields. A broader public is familiar with this technology at least since the detection of SARS-CoV-2. The present paper impressively illustrates how versatile qPCR can be used as a detection method. The regular analysis of eDNA samples also opens up many new possibilities to investigate the occurrence of individual rare species, invasive species or entire biotopes. Due to the relative ease of sampling and the automation potential of subsequent analysis, environmental samples can be examined more frequently and over a longer period of time. With classical methods for species detection, which often involve capturing the species to be detected, this is usually not possible due to the high time and personnel requirements. Especially in the investigation of aquatic ecosystems, the examination of eDNA samples offers enormous advantages. Since DNA traces of organisms can be detected through excretions or skin and mucus cells in the water."

(ii) Richard Pabst, Patricia Holm, Anne Findeisen, Malena Warnecke

This paper was published by "IdentMe" on Dezember, 2021.