Bunsen-Kirchhoff-Prize 2024 goes to Dr. Björn Meermann (BAM)
Mon 14 Oct, 2024
Outstanding Research in the Field of PFAS
Jena, October 14, 2024 – In recognition of his outstanding work in the field of analytics of per- and polyfluorinated alkyl compounds (PFAS), Dr. Björn Meermann from the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) has been awarded the Bunsen-Kirchhoff Prize for Analytical Spectroscopy 2024. The prize recognizes researchers for their excellent achievements in the field of analytical spectroscopy. Meermann and his research group have been using Analytik Jena's contrAA 800 atomic absorption spectrometer for their research for many years.
Dr. Björn Meermann accepted the Bunsen-Kirchhoff Prize at the analytica conference 2024 in Munich on April 11. Oliver Klaeffling, Managing Director of Analytik Jena GmbH+Co KG, was one of the first to congratulate Dr. Meermann and presented him with the prize money.
Meermann is Head of the Department of Inorganic Trace Analysis at the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM). Together with his research group, he develops sum parameter methods to detect per- and polyfluorinated compounds in materials and in the environment more efficiently.
“Dr. Björn Meermann is an outstanding expert in the field of atomic and molecular absorption spectrometry,” explains the jury of the Bunsen-Kirchhoff Prize. “In particular, he contributed significantly to the further development of high-resolution-continuum source-graphite furnace molecular absorption spectrometry (HR-CS-GFMAS) to analyze sum parameters of PFAS. These analytes are found in numerous consumer goods and industries due to their water-, grease- and dirt-repellent properties as well as their chemical and thermal stability. However, PFAS accumulate in the environment due to their longevity and sometimes have a harmful effect on health. Dr. Meermann's contribution to the precise determination of these analytes is therefore of particular importance,” the jury continued.
contrAA 800 predestined for fluorine analysis
Dr. Björn Meermann and his research group carried out their investigations with the contrAA 800, Analytik Jena's established atomic absorption spectrometer. In an interview with Analytik Jena, he explains why the contrAA 800 is the best choice for multi-element analysis: “To my knowledge, the contrAA 800 is the only device with which molecular absorption spectroscopy can be carried out routinely and with a very high detection rate.”
The xenon short-arc lamp covers the entire wavelength range of AAS. The high-resolution spectrometer with CCD detector delivers a 3D spectrum and offers the best detection limits down to the lower ppb range - for precise fluorine detection. Fast sequential and multi-element measurements reduce the measurement time by up to 30 % and thus maximize sample throughput.
The complete video interview with Dr. Björn Meermann about his research and the cooperation with Analytik Jena is available under this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czw2DayAjQA
About the Bunsen-Kirchhoff-Prize
The Bunsen-Kirchhoff Prize is awarded every two years by the German Working Group for Analytical Spectroscopy (DAAS) of the GDCh Division of Analytical Chemistry. The prize is awarded for outstanding research work (publications, patents, etc.) in all areas of analytical spectroscopy, but particularly in innovative fields such as nanoscale spectroscopy, biomolecule spectroscopy or spatially resolved spectroscopy. Analytik Jena has been supporting the award winners with prize money of €3,000 since 2020.
About Analytik Jena GmbH+Co. KG
Analytik Jena is a leading supplier of analytical measurement technology, instruments in the field of molecular biology as well as liquid handling and automation technology. Precise results and easy handling are the top priorities in the development of Analytik Jena's laboratory analysis products. Services and instrument-specific consumables complete the extensive range. Analytik Jena is part of the Endress+Hauser Group, a family-owned company based in Switzerland.
Contact Analytik Jena GmbH+Co. KG
Christin Domin | PR & Media
Tel: +49 170 7659446
pr@analytik-jena.com | www.analytik-jena.com
Download filePreisverleihung Bunsen-Kirchhoff-Preis: Ann-Christin Niehoff, Dr. Björn Meermann, Oliver Klaeffling, Prof. Dr. Carsten Engelhard
Download fileAnn-Christin Niehoff & Björn Meermann: Ansprache Verleihung Bunsen-Kirchhoff-Preisverleihung
Download fileDr. Björn Meermann: Präsentation
Download fileAnn-Christin Niehoff: Ansprache Bunsen-Kirchhoff-Preis
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